We accept Alipay, West Union, TT. All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor ESCROW.
If you cannot checkout immediately after auction close, please wait for a few minutes and retry payments.
Wholesale and drop are both welcome.
We could send the goods to your customers directly and won't leave information about us if you'd like.
How do I know which size to order?
If you don't know which size fit yourself,please contact us.tell us of your bust waist and hips informations we can advice size for you.
How can track my parecl?
You can track your parcel on the following website using your tracking number: www.17track.net/en (Copied to the browser to open)
What can I do when purchase protection time is running out?
If your purchase protection time is running out, please contact us and we can help you to extend it. So your money will not go to my account.
If you are satisfied with our products and services, please leave your positive feedback and 5 stars for the detailed rating of your order.
Once you show us the screenshot of 5 stars, we will give you DISCOUNT for your next order.
If you don't satisfied with our porducts, pls contact us before you leave negative feedback or do the detailed rating.
We guarantee that we will 100% slove any problem for you.
If you have any questions, plaese feel free to contact us. We're pleased to help you solve it.